Q5 How did you attract/address your audience? (Matt Keeble)
We tried to stick to the original film noir style narrative. It was through this style that we were able to include enigma and use mysterious twists in the story such as the dead femme fetale in the beginning and the elusive and shady characters that we used to help attract the viewers attention.
We used young characters when casting the characters due to the target audience being 15- 30. Because in the storyline the characters make the wrong decisions etc, this allows the younger viewers to perhaps relate themselves to the story when watching the film, allowing us to grip them in further and infuse their feelings with the characters. We also used one of the character's ethnicity to our advantage while casting the roles due to one of our actors being mixed race, they often are stereotyped to be bad guys which worked well with his character as "Boss".
We tried to stick to the classic film noir theme when we was choosing how to present the film to the viewer, but included a more modern and darker element added to it. This helped to achieve the noir thriller we were aiming to achieve which helps build tension and suspense for the audience which was what we were hoping to create while filming and editing the final piece.
The overall ideology we wanted to convey to the audience was that making one wrong decision can make you end up in a big mess, which is what happened to the main character in our noir opening. Also another message could be read that mixing in the wrong "crowd" can land you in trouble you weren't expecting to get involved in which teenagers can also relate to.
The costumes were that of the original noirs, long dark coat for the anti-hero and a more promiscuous and revealing outfit for the femme fetale. This helped us achieve the contemporary film noir status we were looking for and the audience can relate this to the old noirs.
We used slow, suspenseful music during the slower scenes where we were establishing the scene and when the action was on screen it was more fast paced which we used to build tension and makes the viewer feel "on edge" and like somethings about to happen which we used to grab the audiences attention.
The main location was of the dark room in which the femme fetale lay dead, this stayed true to the original noirs of dark alleys and streets which help add a darker element to our opening. This allowed for us to use interesting contrasting lighting which they use in the classic noirs to create interesting lighting effects such as when the light shined of the Hitman's hair and created a silhouette on his face. This adds mystery and creates interesting images for the viewer to watch.
We used all these elements to add to the overall effect we wanted to achieve and made the viewer feel tense like a thriller should. We even used simple effects such as the use of simple titles to establish the kind of film we wanted the audience to perceive it as. All this came together to help us achieve the contemporary noir image we were looking for.
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